Monday, March 25, 2013

So there's this blog thing people do...

Testing, testing, 1 2 3.

Is this thing on? 

Right then. 

Welcome to my blog Mom, other family, and random people who stumbled here. 

I avoided making a blog for years. Didn't understand why anyone would want to read my random thoughts. The whole thing seemed a bit narcissistic--not that there's anything wrong with that! It just wasn't really something that interested me. 

So why now? 

It started with a prompt. I wrote something just for me for the first time in...well a very long time. And I remembered exactly how much I used to love writing. Still do, apparently! And then I thought it would be nice to have a reason to write again. Even if me (and my Mom ;) are the only ones to read it. 

Then I thought it might be fun to be able to share pictures of my son. I was told that I shouldn't share his name on the internet to protect him from dark shadowy perverts track him down, so I assume that giving him the pseudonym Seven will keep shadowy internet perverts from thinking gross things about his pictures (which I will post). 

So, if you happen to be someone who isn't already a friend or family member, here's a quick About me:

I'm Sarah. I will be 28 very shortly. I'm a Southerner who was transplanted to the wild white North after Hurricane Katrina. I have been married for 3 years this coming October to my BFF McHubs. We live in the middle of nowhere Pennsylvania. I'm currently staying home with my 7.5 month old son Seven while I figure out what I want to do with my life. I love to write but don't think I write well enough to get paid to do it. I love to take photographs but don't think they're pay-worthy. I love to cook but don't think I cook well enough to...well, you know. Sensing a theme? 

I don't have a very clear idea of what I want the theme of this blog to be. I'm trying to make myself write more, so I'll be answering prompts, I think. Maybe I'll share some recipes I've discovered. I'll probably share my son's birth story (spoiler: failed epidurals!) and will definitely share pictures and updates of him. Past that who knows? 

So, um, stay tuned!

First visit to the playground. 

6 month well-baby visit.

7 months.

He had fun on the swing at least!

Snack break on a hike.

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