Wednesday, April 10, 2013

8 Months and a Picnic

I'm rather ashamed that it's taken 8 months to take E outside for a picnic. In my defense...well, it was too hot and I was too paranoid when he was a newborn, and then too cold. Plus...well, I figured that picnics would be more fun when he could enjoy eating with me. 

So "Spring" has finally arrived, complete with 85+ degree temperatures. It's been hot this week and we've only spent a little bit of time outside (I think of it as gradually getting him used to the heat) but today was nice. Definitely warm, but not as gross sweaty hot. There's a storm rolling in tonight and I can taste it in the air. I decided that I should get the picnic-ing in while the ground was still dry.

AND I received my first bento supplies this morning so I had extra incentive!

Vermont white cheddar stars, blueberry Greek yogurt, quinoa, garlic-sauteed spinach, bananas. 

Fingers dipped in yogurt. Tastier than using a spoon, apparently.

Mayhaps yogurt and quinoa were not good things to take on a picnic, at least at this age, before he's mastered a spoon. Or even really tried to use said spoon. Or did anything with said spoon besides rip it out of my hands and throw it in the grass. 

Used the spoon once, then promptly discarded it into the grass.

Must put all of the things in my mouth!

Food coma? Sun coma? A little bit of both?

The aftermath. Seven went directly into the tub when we got home, the mat and his clothes directly into the washer.

Verdict? We both ended up covered in yogurt and quinoa. He only ate one of the cheese stars (I ate the rest). I had to suction quinoa out of his nose.

Totally worth it.

This face. Those cheeks. 

Seven hit 8 months this week. I'm completely not sure where the time has gone. It honestly feels like we just brought him home, and now there's this babbling, crawling, cruising, eating, pulling himself up little person in our lives.

Almost a toddler.

It's exhilarating to watch him learn and grow and experience the world around him for the first time and I'm so excited to watch grow up, but there's a definite part of me that's trying to slam on the breaks and enjoy him being a baby for a while longer.

1..2..3....singing loudly to keep his attention--picture snapped and he's off.

He's so big he barely feels like my baby as it is. I'm trying with everything I am to cherish this fleeting time I have while he's small and still finds comfort in my arms. Already he won't sleep in them anymore, and I fear it won't be much longer before he won't allow himself to be rocked before bed. I savor our late-night nursing sessions (I don't even mind getting up at 4 AM) because it's one of the few times he'll snuggle with me. When I nurse during the day he's so easily distracted by the world. He wants to be going going going and exploring and tasting and it's so wonderful to watch but at the same time I crave the feel of his warm, tiny body curled into mine, of his hand stroking my face or my chest, of his eyes meeting mine and smiling.

What? I'm not about to try to launch myself over the arm! Promise!


I made the most exquisite, luxurious, and yet quick, easy and cheap breakfast/brunch/would eat this any hour of the day from (original recipe: Try it. Like right now. 


Spinach and Smashed Egg Toast (my adaptations)

2 large eggs
4 ounces baby spinach
2 pats of butter
1 tbsp of minced garlic
Dijon mustard
Parmesan cheese 
2 slices of toast

1) Heat skillet over medium heat. Rinse spinach, don't dry. Saute in skillet until mostly wilted. Remove, drain, wipe out pan of excess liquid. 

2) Toast bread. 

3) Meanwhile, bring water to boil in small saucepan. Add eggs, cook for 5 minutes. While eggs are cooking melt butter over medium in the skillet you just sauteed the spinach in. Add garlic, cook for a minute or two. Add spinach and saute for a few minutes. Remove eggs to a bowl of cold water. 

4) While eggs are cooling off enough to handle smear just a bit of Dijon mustard on the toast. A good smear. The Dijon really makes this dish. Divy up spinach on top of bread. Grate some Parmesan cheese on top of the spinach. 

5) Peel eggs and put on top of spinach. Break (or smash) eggs on top of it all. Let the delicious golden runny yolks ooze down into everything. Liberally sprinkle salt and freshly ground black pepper. 


Smitten Kitchen's original post was just one egg/piece of toast. Make two. Trust me. 

1 comment:

  1. I nominated you for a Liebster award. Get your ?'s and details on my blog :)
