Saturday, April 27, 2013

Liebster Award AKA Things you never realized you really wanted to know about me!

It was quite exciting to realize that A) Someone other than my mother read this and B) To have been chosen for this (I don't even care that it was random!) Thank you Jen ! 

The Rules:
1. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, and then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you're passing the award to next.3. Choose new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.5. No tag backs.

The 11 Random Facts About Myself:

1. I'm a natural blonde. Or at least I used to be...I haven't seen my natural hair color in like 14 years. 

2. I've never actually seen Napoleon Dynamite. 

3. I hate driving. 

4. I have a probably unhealthy obsession with Doctor Who (the rebooted series, I think the older series is just a little too campy for me). The theme song is my ringtone, and I like to bop along with it for a few seconds before I answer. 

5. With the exception of a brief 6 months somewhere in the middle I have lived with my husband since the day we met. 

6. I have never read Lord of the Rings.

7. I used to have meditate before bed in order to fall asleep. My brain would be too busy and I'd want to think about something and I wouldn't be able to fall asleep. So I would take a deep breath and slowly start counting backwards from 100, taking a deep, slow breath in between each number. I usually never made it below 90 before I was asleep. Since having my son sleep is such a luxury that I fall asleep pretty much the second my head hits the pillow. 

8. My husband and I aren't cuddly sleepers. I try cuddling with him sometimes but neither of us can fall asleep. Sometimes I think there's something wrong with us, that we both NEED our own space to fall asleep, It works. 

9. I used to cut my own hair. Into a spiky pixie cut. And for a while I dyed it black. I'd not be able to sleep and get bored in the middle of the night and chop it off--with regular scissors!

10. I have a very dirty sense of humor. Sometimes I joke that I'm a 14 year old boy at heart. 

11.  I took a series of nude photographs of myself (thank you timer!) when I was 39 weeks pregnant. 

My questions from Jen: 

1. What is your favorite thing about yourself? I think I have a great sense of humor and can easily laugh at myself. 

2. What is your favorite thing about your significant other? He also has a great sense of humor. He never fails to make me laugh. It's one of the big reasons I married him! 

3. What is the most challenging thing about being a mom for you? Having something so small and vulnerable be completely dependent on me. Also, trying to navigate the Mommy Wars when we have set parenting "philosophy". 

4. What is your biggest fear? Losing my husband and/or son. I don't know how I could bear it. 

5. If you could live anywhere in the entire world where would you live and why? Sweden, I think. Great health care system, high happiness index, gorgeous people ;)

6. If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be? David Tennant, because I'm obsessed. 

7. Why did you start your blog? When I was younger I wrote all of the time. Life got in the way, and I stopped, and I realized that I really wanted to have that outlet. And to satisfy my urge to share pictures of my son :)

8. What are you top 3 favorite blogs to read? I love Young House LoveEnjoying the Small Things, and Smitten Kitchen

9. What is your top beauty must have product? Garnier's BB Cream. I don't wear a lot of makeup, and often none at all, so when I do I don't like to feel like I'm wearing a mask. This cream is light, evens out my skin tone and gives just a hint of color, which I love.

10. Finish this sentence: "I can't go one day without ______" Coffee. I can, but it's not pretty. I don't get nearly enough sleep to function without it. 

11.What is your worst bad habit? Probably checking my phone all the time. It's pretty unnerving exactly how addicted to it I am. 

I am giving the Liebster Award to:

Sarah - Lavender Gray
Elley - Up Above the World So High
Aly - Breathe Gently
Sarah - Que Sera...Sarah
Katie - Love Life and My Journey

My questions for you: 

1) What is your favorite time-wasting website? 
2) If you had one million dollars and had to give it to one charity what would it be? 
3) What is your fashion style (or your little one's fashion style?)
4) What's your favorite book and why?
5) If you had to start a new job tomorrow what would it be?
6) What living person would you most like to share a meal with?
7) What is the most important quality/trait you think a person should have?
8) What is your favorite children's book?
9) If you could go back 5 years and tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?
10) What's your favorite shade of nail polish?
11) What is your proudest accomplishment?

Thanks for tagging me Jen, this was fun!


  1. You're welcome! I had fun reading your answers :)

    P.s. you've never watched Napolean Dynamite?!?!

  2. Oh fun! I think I would want to live in Sweden too.

  3. Thanks for tagging me - I'm working on it! The 11 random facts are haaaaard.
